Monday, June 28, 2010

Coming's and Going's

Our routine is beginning to come together, with two jobs with varying schedules; our routine is there is NO routine. M and I have barely had time to see each other since the Honeymoon, but we are finding time to relish in these every day moments of coming and going to make them special. Our moments lately have been dinner. There is something different about when you are cooking for your husband/wife than when you were just cooking for your boyfriend.
We are both finding enjoyment in cooking for each other like each meal is a gift to be able to enjoy each others time while we share it together.
So as we try to figure out how our routines are going to fit together and when we will be able to do things together, we realize rule #1 of this journey that we are in this together. The sooner we learn this with both of our careers the better, knowing that you have someone to work with you instead of against you makes everything a bit easier.
Let's throw this out there. I am not a cook. I can cook, I just have to much other stuff I enjoy to focus on instead. Due to this M usually takes on the cooking roles of day to day life, and he's REALLY good at it. So tonight I wanted to cook for HIM to let him know how much I appreciate him doing it for me so often. So I mastered some turkey meatloaf, homemade mashed potatoes (my specialty in my family growing up), and broccoli and cheese and for dessert homemade fruit dip with strawberries, bananas, and grapes.
The funny thing is I really loved cooking it! So that means I'm going to try and be more proactive in planning out meals (new and old) to try out. This shouldn't be to hard of a feat since I do love to read cookbooks, lucky me received 5 NEW cookbooks to read, yes I read them, and pick new recipes from.

I will keep you posted on how this all shakes and bakes out


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

As it begins

So here we are world. People have asked me many times to begin writing a blog and why not a time like now! Since Mark and I just got married why not document our marriage... the good, the bad, and the funny with all of you!

Heres the rough draft - we just got married June 12, and it was arguably one of the best days EVER! We returned from our Honeymoon to Cabo on Monday.

So now the JOURNEY BEGINS... and we are glad you are here with us as we decide where our careers should go, what we should cook for dinner and whether we want to mow the yard or go out for drinks.

So welcome I'm glad you are joining us on this adventure!